Calander市确保安全饮用水,尽管有棕色水和藻华问题。 Municipality of Callander assures safe drinking water despite brown water and algal bloom concerns.
Calander市向居民保证,他们的饮用水是安全的,尽管他们对棕色水和地区藻华的担忧。 The Municipality of Callander assures residents that their drinking water is safe, despite concerns over brown water and a regional algal bloom. 棕色水问题与高锰水平相关,与藻华无关,而藻华是气候温暖和水量低造成的。 The brown water issue, linked to elevated manganese levels, is unrelated to the algal bloom, which is caused by warm weather and low water movement. Calander Bay居民自2015年起便面临蓝绿色藻类问题, Residents of Callander Bay have faced blue-green algae problems since 2015, with reports of worsening conditions regarding the water's smell and appearance.