9 个月大的 NH 婴儿从芬太尼过量中获救,Narcan 在调查中实施了潜在的刑事指控。 9-month-old NH baby rescued from fentanyl overdose, Narcan administered, under investigation, potential criminal charges.
在新罕布什尔省,一名9个月的婴儿被警察从怀疑的芬太尼过量处救出,在母亲求助后,警察对纳坎进行了治疗。 A nine-month-old baby in New Hampshire was rescued from a suspected fentanyl overdose by police who administered Narcan after the mother called for help. 这名孩子最初被送往 Valley 地区医院,后来被空运到达特茅斯健康中心接受进一步治疗。 The child was initially taken to Valley Regional Hospital and later airlifted to Dartmouth Health for further treatment. 当局正在调查婴儿如何接触芬太尼,预计事件期间对在场的成年人提出刑事指控。 Authorities are investigating how the baby accessed fentanyl, and criminal charges are anticipated against an adult present during the incident. 儿童保护服务也参与其中,以确保其他儿童在家里的安全。 Child protective services are also involved to ensure the safety of other children in the home.