男性嫌疑人在佛罗里达大道上向卧底侦探开枪,撞上他们没有标记的车辆,然后逃跑。 Male suspect fires at undercover detectives on Florida Avenue, hits their unmarked vehicle, and flees.
Jacksonville警长办公室正在寻找一名男性嫌疑人,他于下午3时30分左右向佛罗里达大道的卧底侦探开枪多次。 The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office is seeking a male suspect who fired multiple shots at undercover detectives on Florida Avenue around 3:30 p.m. 袭击者被描述为一个瘦黑男性,身高在5尺8到6尺之间,在没有事先互动的情况下,朝警探的无标记车辆开枪,击中了4至5次。 The assailant, described as a thin Black male, between 5'8" and 6' tall, shot at the detectives' unmarked vehicle without prior interaction, hitting it four to five times. 然后他逃往东22街西边 可能进入一辆银色轿车 He then fled west on East 22nd Street, possibly entering a silver sedan. 一名侦探受轻伤。 One detective sustained minor injuries. 嫌疑人仍然在逃。 The suspect remains at large.