加拿大邮局向Sarah McLachlan颁发奖章,表彰她的音乐和慈善成就。 Canada Post honors Sarah McLachlan with a stamp for her music and philanthropy achievements.
《加拿大邮报》发行了一张印章, 表彰加拿大歌唱作家Sarah McLachlan对音乐和慈善的贡献。 Canada Post has released a stamp honoring Canadian singer-songwriter Sarah McLachlan for her contributions to music and philanthropy. McLachlan出售了4 000多万张专辑,并创办了Lilith Fair音乐会巡回演唱会,他对这项承认感到自豪。 McLachlan, who has sold over 40 million albums and founded the Lilith Fair concert tour, expressed pride in this recognition. 邮票的特色是她的照片、Styl化的签名和艺术品细节。 The stamp features her photo, stylized signature, and artwork detail. 格莱美奖和 JUNO 奖得主 McLachlan 也将于 9 月 28 日入选词曲作者名人堂。 McLachlan, a Grammy and JUNO Award winner, will also be inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame on September 28th.