5岁的印度犀牛Mohan抵达俄克拉荷马城动物园进行繁殖和养护工作。 5-year-old Indian rhino Mohan arrives at Oklahoma City Zoo for breeding and conservation efforts.
俄克拉荷马城动物园引进了一头名叫 Mohan 的 5 岁印度犀牛,它是从布法罗动物园来到这里的,这是动物园和水族馆协会 (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) 的繁殖推荐的一部分。 The Oklahoma City Zoo has introduced a 5-year-old Indian rhinoceros named Mohan, who arrived from the Buffalo Zoo as part of a breeding recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. 目前处于隔离状态的他将很快加入现有的犀牛 Niki 和他的祖母 Shanti 的行列。 Currently in quarantine, he will soon join existing rhinos Niki and Shanti, his grandmother. 莫汉的到来支持了养护努力,因为印度犀牛已经从20世纪初濒临灭绝的近乎灭绝中反弹。 Mohan's arrival supports conservation efforts, as Indian rhinos have rebounded from near extinction in the early 20th century.