纽约州耶茨县 364 号州际公路上肇事逃逸 1 岁儿童死亡;调查正在进行中。 1-year-old child killed in hit-and-run on State Route 364 in Yates County, NY; investigation ongoing.
纽约Yates县发生一起悲惨的肇事逃逸事件,造成一名1岁儿童死亡。 A tragic hit-and-run incident in Yates County, New York, resulted in the death of a 1-year-old child. 事故发生在第364号国家公路上,当时儿童被一辆未停停的西行车辆击中。 The accident occurred on State Route 364 when the child was struck by a westbound vehicle that did not stop. 儿童被送往医院,但后来受伤。 The child was taken to a hospital but later succumbed to injuries. Yates县警长办公室正在进行调查,并敦促任何有情报的人在(315)536-44338时与他们联系。 The Yates County Sheriff's Office is investigating and urges anyone with information to contact them at (315) 536-4438.