Ryan Ellis 在 Concord 推出不佳、销量 25k 拷贝并被索尼关闭后辞去了 Firewalk Studios 总监的职务。 Ryan Ellis resigned as Firewalk Studios director after Concord's poor launch, sales of 25k copies, and shutdown by Sony.
Firewalk Studios 的总监 Ryan Ellis 在他们的游戏 Concord 发布不佳并随后关闭后辞职,该游戏在被索尼下架之前售出了约 25,000 份。 Ryan Ellis, director of Firewalk Studios, has resigned following the poor launch and subsequent shutdown of their game, Concord, which sold around 25,000 copies before being removed from sale by Sony. 雇员面对工作室未来的不确定性,担心可能被解雇或关闭。 Employees face uncertainty regarding the studio's future, with concerns about potential layoffs or closures. 索尼尚未宣布该工作室或 Concord 的复兴计划,这让员工在等待进一步的发展时处于不确定状态。 Sony has yet to announce plans for the studio or Concord's revival, leaving staff in limbo as they await further developments.