NTA宣布从12月1日起将出租车票价提高9%, NTA announces 9% increase in taxi fares from Dec 1st to address rising operational costs.
国家运输管理局宣布从12月1日起将出租车票价提高9%, 以解决运营成本不断上涨的问题, 运营成本从2022年的9-1%上升到2024年的9-1%。 The National Transport Authority (NTA) has announced a 9% increase in taxi fares, effective December 1st, to address rising operational costs, which have risen 9-11% from 2022 to 2024. 现在, 特别的出租车假日费率将在周末夜间全年适用. The special holiday rate for taxi fares will now apply year-round during busy weekend nights. 此外,预订费将从2欧元增加到3欧元。 Additionally, the pre-booking fee will rise from €2 to €3. NTA CEO Anne Graham强调,这些变化旨在确保可持续的出租车业,同时提供可靠的服务。 NTA CEO Anne Graham emphasized that these changes aim to ensure a sustainable taxi industry while providing reliable service.