全国大会党主席阿吉特·帕瓦尔的脸书页面被黑客入侵,发布了令人反感的内容;网络犯罪部门参与调查。 NCP Chief Ajit Pawar's Facebook page hacked, posting objectionable content; Cyber Crime Branch involved in investigation.
孟买的民族主义国会党 (NCP) 报告说, 他们的领导人阿吉特·帕瓦尔的脸书页面遭到黑客攻击, The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) in Mumbai reported that the Facebook page of their Chief, Ajit Pawar, was hacked, leading to the posting of objectionable content. 秘书长希瓦吉拉奥·加耶呼吁对那些通过黑客网页散布错误信息的人进行调查和采取法律行动。 General Secretary Shivajirao Garje has called for an investigation and legal action against those spreading misinformation through the hacked page. 这一事件引起人们对即将举行的议会选举前诽谤行为的关切,网络犯罪处现在参与调查。 The incident raises concerns about defamation ahead of upcoming Assembly elections, with the Cyber Crime Branch now involved in the inquiry.