孟买高等法院宣布信息技术规则修正案违宪,违反印度宪法权利14和19。 Bombay High Court declares IT Rules amendments unconstitutional, violating Indian Constitution rights 14 and 19.
孟买高等法院宣布中央政府经修订的信息技术规则违宪,其目的是设立一个实况调查股,以查明社交媒体上的虚假内容。 The Bombay High Court has declared the central government's amended IT Rules unconstitutional, which aimed to create a Fact-Check Unit to identify fake content on social media. 法院认为这些规则违反了《印度宪法》第14条和第19条,这两条保护平等和言论自由。 The court found these rules violated Articles 14 and 19 of the Indian Constitution, which protect equality and freedom of speech. 对于"假,虚假和误导"的含糊定义也受到批评. The vague definitions of "fake, false, and misleading" were also criticized. 这项裁决是在Kunal Kamra和其他团体对修正案提出质疑之后作出的。 This ruling followed petitions from Kunal Kamra and other groups challenging the amendments.