丹麦的玛格丽特二世皇后84岁,在Fredensborg城堡坠落后住院治疗。 84-year-old Queen Margrethe II of Denmark was hospitalized after a fall at Fredensborg Castle.
丹麦女王玛格丽特二世84岁,在Fredensborg城堡坠落后住院治疗。 Queen Margrethe II of Denmark, 84, was hospitalized after a fall at Fredensborg Castle. 她处于稳定状态,在哥本哈根医院接受观察。 She is in stable condition and under observation at a Copenhagen hospital. 这一事件导致她在奥胡斯大学考古学系75周年纪念活动中的露面被取消。 The incident led to the cancellation of her appearance at an event marking the 75th anniversary of the Department of Archaeology at Aarhus University. 今年早些时候,她放弃了王位,成为近900年来第一个这样做的丹麦君主,并提出了健康问题。 Earlier this year, she abdicated the throne, becoming the first Danish monarch to do so in nearly 900 years, citing health concerns.