84岁的Karnataka国家承包商协会主席D.Kempanna因揭露腐败丑闻而闻名,去世。 84-year-old Karnataka State Contractors' Association President, D. Kempanna, known for exposing corruption scandal, passes away.
卡纳塔克邦承包商协会 84 岁的主席 D. Kempanna 最近去世。 D. Kempanna, the 84-year-old President of the Karnataka State Contractors' Association, passed away recently. 他以揭露腐败丑闻而闻名, 指控承包商将40%的回扣回扣给前英国人民党(BJP)政府。 He was known for exposing a corruption scandal involving alleged 40% kickbacks from contractors to the previous BJP government. 他的申诉导致于2023年进行了司法调查。 His claims led to the formation of a judicial inquiry in 2023. 卡纳塔克邦首席部长 Siddaramaiah 对他的逝世表示哀悼,并强调了 Kempanna 一生致力于打击腐败的承诺。 Karnataka's Chief Minister Siddaramaiah mourned his loss, highlighting Kempanna's commitment to fighting corruption throughout his life.