来自昆士兰的40岁的图形设计师和社交媒体影响者Joel Pringle在Airlie海滩附近失踪四周后被发现死亡。 40-year-old graphic designer and social media influencer Joel Pringle, from Queensland, was found dead four weeks after going missing near Airlie Beach.
昆士兰40岁的平面设计师及社交媒体影响者Joel Pringle在8月19日在Airlie Beach失踪四周后被发现死亡。 Joel Pringle, a 40-year-old graphic designer and social media influencer from Queensland, was found dead four weeks after he went missing near Airlie Beach on August 19. 他的伙伴Eve Houghton证实了他的死亡,对地方当局和志愿者参与的搜寻工作表示感谢。 His partner, Eve Houghton, confirmed his death, expressing gratitude for the search efforts involving local authorities and volunteers. 警方认为他死亡不属可疑,将向验尸官提交一份报告。 Police have deemed his death non-suspicious, and a report will be submitted to the coroner. Pringle在网上有重要的跟踪和成功的设计业务。 Pringle had a significant online following and a successful design business.