9月18日,在Redhill第7关口附近,Van向M25开火,交通中断,造成延误、原因和伤害不明。 Van fire on M25 near Redhill junction 7 on 18 Sept, halted traffic, caused delays, cause and injuries unknown.
9 月 18 日上午 7 点 30 分,在 Godstone 的 7 号交叉口 Redhill 和 M23 附近逆时针方向的 M25 上发生货车起火,导致所有交通停止。 A van fire on the M25 anticlockwise near junction 7 Redhill and M23 in Godstone occurred at 7:30 AM on September 18, halting all traffic. 国家公路报称,超过正常旅行时间至少延误30分钟,并建议司机允许额外旅行时间。 National Highways reported delays of at least 30 minutes above normal travel times and advised drivers to allow extra travel time. 火灾原因和任何潜在伤害仍不得而知,现已与萨里消防救援组织联系,了解进一步详情。 The cause of the fire and any potential injuries are still unknown, and Surrey Fire and Rescue has been contacted for further details.