Target 任命 Jim Lee 为首席财务官,接替 Michael Fiddelke,他曾在百事可乐公司工作。 Target appoints Jim Lee as CFO, succeeding Michael Fiddelke, with experience from PepsiCo.
目标公司已任命Jim Lee为首席财务干事,自9月22日起生效。 Target Corporation has appointed Jim Lee as its Chief Financial Officer, effective September 22. Lee在百事可乐有25多年的经验,包括作为副首席财务干事的角色,将监督财务规划、内部审计、会计和公司发展。 With over 25 years of experience at PepsiCo, including roles as deputy CFO, Lee will oversee financial planning, internal audit, accounting, and corporate development. 他接替了现任 Target 首席运营官 Michael Fiddelke,因为这家零售商正在为即将到来的假日购物季做准备。 He succeeds Michael Fiddelke, now Target's COO, as the retailer prepares for the upcoming holiday shopping season. 李的专长可望推动增长,加强金融战略。 Lee's expertise is expected to drive growth and enhance financial strategies.