威廉王子访问阿伯丁,支持他的返乡项目,并会见苏格兰庇护所。 Prince William visits Aberdeen to support his Homewards project and meet with Shelter Scotland.
威廉王子计划访问苏格兰的阿伯丁,感谢当地无家可归者部门的捐助,并支持他旨在根除无家可归现象的 " 返乡项目 " 。 Prince William plans to visit Aberdeen, Scotland, to thank the local homeless sector for their contributions and support his Homewards project, which seeks to eradicate homelessness. 该倡议已扩大到包括无家可归的工人,得到了Pret A Mager和Homebase等组织的支持。 The initiative, which has expanded to include homelessness workers, is backed by organizations like Pret A Manger and Homebase. 在访问期间,他将与苏格兰庇护所会面,了解他们的服务,并参加该市无家可归者部门的招待会。 During his visit, he will meet with Shelter Scotland to learn about their services and attend a reception for the city's homeless sector.