新的联邦立法赋予加拿大贾斯珀权力,由地方控制发展和规划。 New federal legislation empowers Jasper, Canada, for local control over development and planning.
新的联邦立法将给予加拿大的一个城市贾斯珀对发展和规划的更大控制权。 New federal legislation is set to grant Jasper, a municipality in Canada, greater control over development and planning. 这一行动旨在赋予地方治理权力,使贾斯珀能够更好地管理其增长和资源。 This move is designed to empower local governance, allowing Jasper to better manage its growth and resources. 立法反映了向权力下放决策的转变,使社区能够调整其发展战略,以满足当地需要。 The legislation reflects a shift towards decentralized decision-making, enabling the community to tailor its development strategies to meet local needs.