巴基斯坦银行部门在政府证券和存款驱动下H1 2024年增长11.5%,不良贷款和资本充足率为20%。 11.5% growth in Pakistan's banking sector in H1 2024, driven by gov't securities and deposits, with non-performing loans and capital adequacy ratio of 20%.
巴基斯坦国家银行报告说,2024年上半年,银行部门在政府证券的推动下增长11.5%,存款增加11.7%。 The State Bank of Pakistan reported an 11.5% growth in the banking sector for the first half of 2024, driven by government securities and an 11.7% rise in deposits. 虽然不良贷款增加,但银行的偿债能力仍然很强,资本充足率为20%。 While non-performing loans increased, banks maintained a strong solvency position with a capital adequacy ratio of 20%. 盈利能力面临预付款回报下降的挑战,但非利息收入有所帮助。 Profitability faced challenges from declining returns on advances, but non-interest income helped. 关键风险包括能源危机和商品价格波动,尽管对金融稳定的信心依然存在。 Key risks include an energy crisis and volatile commodity prices, although confidence in financial stability remains.