南安普敦大学的5D记忆晶体 储存了整个人类基因组 保存了数十亿年 5D memory crystal at the University of Southampton stores entire human genome, preserving for billions of years.
来自南安普敦大学的科学家 将整个人类基因组 储存在一个耐用5D记忆晶体上 它可以持续数十亿年 Scientists from the University of Southampton have stored the entire human genome on a durable 5D memory crystal, which can last billions of years. 这种晶体,能够保持360兆字节的数据, 经受住极端的温度、辐射和影响。 This crystal, capable of holding up to 360 terabytes of data, withstands extreme temperatures, radiation, and impacts. 它可以作为基因组数据的存放处,有可能协助灭绝物种的恢复和保护濒危基因组。 It could serve as a repository for genomic data, potentially aiding in the revival of extinct species and preserving endangered genomes. 水晶是奥地利人类记忆档案的一部分。 The crystal is part of the Memory of Mankind archive in Austria.