失踪的63岁南卡罗来纳州男子Harry Moussatos, 身处安全无虞的地方。 63-year-old missing South Carolina man, Harry Moussatos, located safe and unharmed.
来自南卡罗来纳州洛贝科的 63 岁男子哈里·穆萨托斯 (Harry Moussatos) 被报告失踪并被认为处于危险之中,已被安全找到,没有受伤。 Harry Moussatos, a 63-year-old man from Lobeco, South Carolina, who was reported missing and considered endangered, has been located safe and unharmed. 2024年9月17日在Horace Dawson Lane的家中最后一次见到他。 He was last seen at his home on Horace Dawson Lane on September 17, 2024. Beaufort县治安官办公室对他的安全表示关切,并寻求公众协助寻找他。 The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office had expressed concerns for his safety and sought public assistance in finding him. Moussatos是在请求帮助之后不久被发现的。 Moussatos was found shortly after the appeal for help.