在奥克兰,29岁的男子和17岁的男孩在领导警察偷盗车辆后被捕。 29-year-old man and 17-year-old boy arrested in Auckland after leading police in stolen vehicle pursuit.
两人,一名29岁的男子和一名17岁的男孩,在奥克兰当着警察的面追逐一辆偷来的车辆后,在奥克兰被捕。 Two people, a 29-year-old man and a 17-year-old boy, were arrested in Auckland after leading police on a pursuit in a stolen vehicle. 最初在Mt Maunganui地区发现,该车辆没有为警察停车,朝南奥克兰方向行驶约150公里。 Initially spotted in the Mt Maunganui area, the vehicle failed to stop for police and traveled about 150 kilometers towards South Auckland. 警方使用钉子在 Puhinui 路匝道附近停下了车辆,对早晨的通勤者造成了轻微的干扰。 Police used spikes to stop the vehicle near the Puhinui Road offramp, causing minor disruptions for morning commuters. 对嫌疑人的指控正在审理之中。 Charges against the suspects are pending.