Swvl 在沙特阿拉伯第三季度合同中获得 $2.6M,自 2023 年第一季度以来毛利润增长了六倍。 Swvl secures $2.6M in Saudi Arabia Q3 contracts, increasing gross profit sixfold since Q1 2023.
移动解决方案提供商Swvl在2024年第三季度宣布在沙特阿拉伯签订新的年度合同,价值260万美元,约占其2023年收入的10%. Swvl, a provider of mobility solutions, announced $2.6 million in new annual contracts in Saudi Arabia during Q3 2024, contributing about 10% to its 2023 revenues. 该公司在该地区的毛利自2023年第一季度以来增加了六倍. The company’s gross profit in the region has increased sixfold since Q1 2023. Swvl计划扩大其在包括教育和保健在内的各个部门的服务,重点是通过技术驱动的解决办法提高业务效率。 Swvl plans to expand its services across various sectors, including education and healthcare, focusing on operational efficiency through technology-driven solutions. 这一增长反映了客户对Swvl应对流动挑战的能力的信任。 This growth reflects clients' trust in Swvl's ability to tackle mobility challenges.