Naomi Campbell 与Umar Kamani在迪拜结成全球伙伴关系。 Naomi Campbell launches talent and partnership agency KC Global Partnerships in Dubai with Umar Kamani.
超模 Naomi Campbell 与 Pretty Little Thing 的创始人 Umar Kamani 合作,在迪拜推出了 KC Global Partnerships,这是一家人才和合作机构。 Supermodel Naomi Campbell is launching KC Global Partnerships, a talent and partnership agency in Dubai, in collaboration with Umar Kamani, founder of Pretty Little Thing. 本月开放,该机构的目标是通过将人才与品牌联系起来,促进时装业的创新和协作。 Set to open this month, the agency aims to foster innovation and collaboration in the fashion industry by connecting talents with brands. 这一活动突出了迪拜作为全球创造力中心的地位,旨在支持有抱负的人才,同时增加商业机会。 This venture highlights Dubai's status as a global hub for creativity and aims to support aspiring talents while enhancing business opportunities.