ACWA电力公司与SOCAR和Masdar合作,到2025年将阿塞拜疆的1千兆瓦绿色能源通过土耳其出口到欧盟。 ACWA Power partners with SOCAR and Masdar to export 1 GW green energy from Azerbaijan to EU via Turkey by 2025.
ACWA电力公司准备参与由SOCAR和Masdar公司开发的绿色能源出口倡议,目的是通过土耳其从阿塞拜疆向欧盟输送1千兆瓦电力。 ACWA Power is set to engage in a green energy export initiative developed by SOCAR and Masdar, aimed at transporting 1 GW of electricity from Azerbaijan to the EU via Turkey. 同时,ACWA电力公司正在阿塞拜疆建造风力农场,总容量为240兆瓦,预计到2025年投入运行。 Concurrently, ACWA Power is constructing wind farms in Azerbaijan with a total capacity of 240 MW, expected to be operational by 2025. 阿塞拜疆计划到2030年生产7千兆瓦绿色能源,并计划大量出口,这反映了阿塞拜疆对可再生能源开发的承诺。 Azerbaijan plans to produce 7 GW of green energy by 2030, with significant exports planned, reflecting its commitment to renewable energy development.