61岁的Herman Kojo Chinery-Hesse, 加纳科技企业家兼SOFTribe创始人,因心脏停止跳动而去世。 61-year-old Herman Kojo Chinery-Hesse, Ghanaian tech entrepreneur and founder of SOFTtribe, passed away due to cardiac arrest.
加纳知名科技企业家兼SOFTribe创始人Herman Kojo Chinery-Hesse于61岁死于心脏病。 Herman Kojo Chinery-Hesse, a prominent Ghanaian technology entrepreneur and founder of SOFTtribe, passed away at 61 from cardiac arrest. 他通常被称为“非洲的比尔·盖茨”,他通过移动安全系统和公用事业计费平台等创新对技术格局产生了重大影响。 Often called "the Bill Gates of Africa," he significantly shaped the tech landscape with innovations like mobile security systems and utility billing platforms. 他生于都柏林, 是个受人尊敬的演讲人, 倡导非洲通过他的“非洲回声”计划讲故事。 Born in Dublin, he was a respected speaker and advocate for African storytelling through his "African Echoes" project. 他的贡献对非洲大陆的技术工业产生了持久的影响。 His contributions have left a lasting impact on the continent's tech industry.