38岁的DeAngelo Bolen-Sims, 被警方通缉,因在Muskegon杀人而被捕,被警方通缉。 38-year-old DeAngelo Bolen-Sims, wanted for homicide in Muskegon, sought by police.
乔治贡警察局正在寻求帮助寻找38岁的DeAngelo Omar Bollen-Sims的下落,他在8月31日的一个派对中,因开枪射杀48岁的Carlos Piggee而持有杀人逮捕令。 The Muskegon Police Department is seeking help to locate DeAngelo Omar Bolen-Sims, 38, who has a homicide warrant for the shooting death of Carlos Piggee, 48, during a party on August 31. Bolen-Sims被描述为5'10"和155磅。 Bolen-Sims is described as 5'10" and 155 pounds. 据信他仍在密歇根州 He is believed to still be in Michigan. 任何有信息的人请致电马斯基贡警察231-724-6750或沉默观察员231-722-7463. Authorities urge anyone with information to call the Muskegon Police at 231-724-6750 or Silent Observer at 231-722-7463.