在圣何塞,一名妇女从一辆小卡车上摔倒在停车场,被一名醉酒司机击倒后,在圣何塞死亡。 A woman died in San Jose after falling from a pickup truck in a parking lot, struck by a drunk driver.
一名妇女在圣何塞从一辆在停车场做甜甜圈的皮卡车上坠落后死亡。 A woman died in San Jose after falling from a pickup truck performing doughnuts in a parking lot. 司机在酒精影响下,在她倒下后打了她。 The driver, who was under the influence of alcohol, struck her after she fell out. 9月13日事件发生,司机因被控车辆过失杀人和酒后驾车而被捕。 The incident occurred on September 13, and the driver was arrested on charges of vehicular manslaughter and DUI. 这一事件标志着2023年圣何塞第37次交通死亡。 This incident marks the 37th traffic-related death in San Jose in 2023.