旅游专家 Frank The Stag Man 警告贝尼多姆游客夜间海滩罚款和“serpientes”盗窃。 Travel expert Frank The Stag Man warns Benidorm tourists of night beach fines and theft by "serpientes."
贝尼多姆的旅游专家 Frank The Stag Man 警告游客,下班后在海滩上可能会被罚款。 Frank The Stag Man, a travel expert in Benidorm, warns tourists about potential fines for being on the beach after hours. 他强调对私人物品保持警惕的重要性, 盗贼通常以深夜海滩观光客为目标, 特别是游泳者或裸泳者。 He emphasizes the importance of staying vigilant with personal belongings, as thieves known as "serpientes" often target late-night beachgoers, particularly those swimming or skinny dipping. 为避免罚款和盗窃,他建议不要在夜间访问海滩。 To avoid fines and theft, he advises against visiting the beach at night.