台湾女演员舒淇完成她的导演处女作《女孩》的后期制作。 Taiwanese actress Shu Qi finishes filming her directorial debut, "Girl," in post-production.
台湾女演员舒已经完成了她的导演首秀"女孩"的拍摄, Taiwanese actress Shu Qi has finished filming her directorial debut, titled "Girl," which is currently in post-production. 该项目由 Mandarin Vision 支持,以舒淇的原创故事为特色。 The project, supported by Mandarin Vision, features an original story by Shu Qi. 尽管电影的细节有限, 但已经发布了预告片和幕后照片, A teaser image and behind-the-scenes photos have been released, sparking excitement among fans and industry professionals, despite limited details about the film.