歌剧歌手Russell Watson在BBC的《一个秀》上讨论脑肿瘤的恢复和重回音乐。 Opera singer Russell Watson discusses recovery from brain tumors and return to music on BBC's The One Show.
歌剧歌手罗素·沃森 (Russell Watson) 在 BBC 的 The One Show 节目中谈到他从两个脑瘤中康复和重返音乐界时情绪激动。 Opera singer Russell Watson became emotional on BBC's The One Show while discussing his recovery from two brain tumors and his return to music. 他分享了他的外科医生Lackett先生的衷心视频,后者赞扬他的韧性。 He shared a heartfelt video from his surgeon, Mr. Lackett, who praised his resilience. 华生反思他面临的挑战,包括抑郁症,并感谢他的外科医生的支持。 Watson reflected on the challenges he faced, including depression, and expressed gratitude for his surgeon's support. 他还重点介绍了他的新回忆录《Encore》, 记录了他的健康斗争和音乐复兴。 He also highlighted his new memoir, "Encore," which chronicles his health struggles and musical resurgence.