缅因州交通部获得联邦16.6百万美元的赠款,用于2027年混合电力渡轮码头升级改造。 Maine DOT receives $16.6M federal grant for 2027 hybrid electric ferry terminal upgrades.
缅因州交通部收到联邦赠款1 660万美元,用于改善林肯维尔和伊尔斯博罗的渡轮码头,以建造定于2027年的混合轮渡。 The Maine Department of Transportation has received a $16.6 million federal grant to upgrade ferry terminals in Lincolnville and Islesboro for a hybrid electric ferry slated for 2027. 这笔资金是全国通过《两党基础设施法》划拨的近3亿美元的一部分,用于改善轮渡系统、更换过时船只和推广低排放技术。 This funding is part of nearly $300 million allocated nationwide through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve ferry systems, replace outdated vessels, and promote low-emission technologies. 该倡议旨在加强安全,使14个州的基础设施现代化。 The initiative aims to enhance safety and modernize infrastructure across 14 states.