喜剧演员乔恩·理查森 (Jon Richardson) 与露西·博蒙特 (Lucy Beaumont) 达成离婚协议,同意支付 162.5 万英镑。 Comedian Jon Richardson finalizes divorce from Lucy Beaumont, agreeing to pay £1.625 million.
喜剧演员Jon Richardson已经与Lucy Beaumont离婚, 在他们9年婚姻结束后在4月份分居后同意向她支付1625万英. Comedian Jon Richardson has finalized his divorce from Lucy Beaumont, agreeing to pay her £1.625 million after their separation in April following nine years of marriage. 这对以《拜见理查森一家》而闻名的夫妇共同积累了 600 万英镑的财富,并在约克郡共同拥有一套价值 100 万英镑的房子,在伦敦北部拥有一套公寓。 The couple, known for "Meet the Richardsons," accumulated a joint fortune of £6 million and co-own a £1 million home in Yorkshire and a flat in North London. 他们共享2016年出生的女儿。 They share a daughter born in 2016.