Casa Bonita于2023年9月16日在科罗拉多重新向公众开放, Casa Bonita reopened to the public in Colorado on Sept 16, 2023, after a year-long invite-only phase, with high demand for reservations.
Casa Bonita是一家著名的科罗拉多墨西哥餐馆, 经过长达一年的只受邀请阶段, 于2023年9月16日重新向公众开放。 Casa Bonita, a renowned Colorado Mexican restaurant, reopened to the public on September 16, 2023, after a year-long invite-only phase. 由于需求高涨,有50 000多人等待预订,供10月和11月使用。 The high demand led to over 50,000 people waiting for reservations, which are now available for October and November. 宾客必须订购订货单,成人价格为39.99美元,儿童价格为29.99美元。 Guests must order an entrée, with prices set at $39.99 for adults and $29.99 for children. 该餐馆以其悬崖潜水和吸引物闻名,进行了重大翻修。 The restaurant, famous for its cliff divers and attractions, has undergone significant renovations.