卡迪B在 Instagram 上分享了生下第三个孩子后的产后健身习惯. Cardi B shares postpartum fitness routine on Instagram after giving birth to third child.
Cardi B在她第三个孩子出生后仅8天, 便在Instagram上分享了产后健身习惯, Cardi B has shared her postpartum fitness routine on Instagram just eight days after giving birth to her third child with Offset. 她专注于有氧运动,一直使用 StairMaster,直到下周开始与私人教练一起训练。 Focusing on cardio, she is using the StairMaster until she begins training with a personal trainer next week. 卡迪怀孕期间体重增加了15磅,并希望在对身体羞辱的回应中获得"报复性身体". Cardi gained 15 pounds during her pregnancy and aims to achieve a "revenge body" in response to body shamers. 据报告,她还在制作第二张专辑,预计到年底发行。 She is also reportedly working on her second album, expected to release by year-end.