36岁的残奥会羽毛球冠军Pramod Bhagat因在印度布巴内斯瓦尔醉酒驾车而被捕。 36-year-old Paralympic badminton champion Pramod Bhagat arrested for drunk driving in Bhubaneswar, India.
Pramod Bhagat是36岁的残奥会羽毛球冠军,因在印度布巴内斯瓦尔醉酒驾车而被捕。 Pramod Bhagat, a 36-year-old Paralympic badminton champion, was arrested for drunk driving in Bhubaneswar, India. 他开车时被警察拦截在路边的错误方向,并用47毫克/100毫升的血液酒精含量进行了测试。 He was stopped by police while driving on the wrong side of the road and tested with a blood alcohol content of 47 mg/100 ml. 他的汽车被扣押,他面临法律后果。 His car was seized, and he faces legal consequences. Bhagat最近因滥用兴奋剂而面临18个月的停职,他否认在车上,声称他的经理在开车。 Bhagat, who recently faced an 18-month suspension for doping violations, denies being in the vehicle, claiming his manager was driving.