48岁的Kate Winslet在“如何失败”播客上讨论睾丸激素替代疗法, 48-year-old Kate Winslet discusses testosterone replacement therapy for enhanced libido on the "How to Fail" podcast.
48岁的Kate Winslet 在“如何失败”播客上透露 她接受了睾丸激素替代疗法 以提升她的性欲 并再次感到"性感" Kate Winslet, 48, revealed on the "How to Fail" podcast that she underwent testosterone replacement therapy to enhance her libido and feel "sexy again." 她强调,荷尔蒙不平衡,特别是睾丸素水平下降,会影响妇女的性欲。 She emphasized that hormonal imbalances, particularly declining testosterone levels, can affect women's sexual desire. Winslet鼓励妇女面对类似问题时检查其甲状腺和睾丸素水平,倡导接受老龄化和身体信心。 Winslet encouraged women to check their thyroid and testosterone levels if facing similar issues, advocating for embracing aging and body confidence. 马约诊所建议,由于长期研究有限,在睾丸激素之前探索其他治疗方法。 The Mayo Clinic suggests exploring other treatments before testosterone due to limited long-term research.