宾夕法尼亚州将12 400家企业的即时饮酒鸡尾酒销售合法化, Pennsylvania legalizes sale of ready-to-drink cocktails in 12,400 businesses, generating $137M tax revenue.
宾夕法尼亚州已经把在杂货店、加油站和其他有执照的机构销售即时饮酒鸡尾酒(如高清)合法化。 Pennsylvania has legalized the sale of ready-to-drink cocktails, such as High Noon, in grocery stores, gas stations, and other licensed establishments. 以前,这些饮料只能在国营商店供应。 Previously, these beverages were only available at state-run stores. 总督Josh Shapiro的新法律允许超过12 400家企业申请销售这些鸡尾酒的许可证,这些鸡尾酒必须低于12.5%的酒精和16盎司。 Governor Josh Shapiro's new law allows over 12,400 businesses to apply for permits to sell these cocktails, which must be under 12.5% alcohol and 16 ounces. 该立法预计将在五年内产生1.37亿美元的税收收入。 The legislation is projected to generate $137 million in tax revenue over five years.