Nollywood女演员Tonto Dikeh分享她离婚的决定对她和她的孩子最好。 Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh shared her decision to divorce was best for her and her child.
Nollywood女演员Tonto Dikeh透露,她决定离婚是她和她的孩子的最佳选择。 Nollywood actress Tonto Dikeh revealed that her decision to divorce was the best choice for her and her child. 在回答单身母亲寻求咨询的问题时,她强调了优先考虑个人福祉和儿童福利的重要性。 Responding to a single mother seeking advice, she emphasized the importance of prioritizing personal well-being and children's welfare. Dikeh鼓励注重自我成长,从上帝那里汲取力量,并保持家庭事务私密。 Dikeh encouraged focusing on self-growth, drawing strength from God, and keeping family matters private. 她建议,如果婚姻值得挽救,就应考虑为婚姻而斗争,并指出婚姻的结束可以带来新的开端。 She suggested that if a marriage is worth saving, one should consider fighting for it, noting that endings can lead to new beginnings.