尼日利亚总统蒂努布强调了基本服务的可核查身份的重要性,并将其与国家粮食安全和减贫议程联系起来。 Nigerian President Tinubu emphasized the importance of verifiable identity for essential services and linked it to the national agenda on food security and poverty reduction.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布强调,在国家身份日期间,为提供保健和教育等基本服务,必须具备可核查的身份。 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu underscored the necessity of verifiable identity for delivering essential services like healthcare and education during the National Day of Identity. 他将政府旨在解决粮食安全和贫穷的八点议程的成功与有效的数字身份倡议联系起来。 He linked the success of the government's 8-point agenda, aimed at tackling food security and poverty, to effective digital identity initiatives. 国家身份管理委员会报告说,目前有1.1亿尼日利亚人拥有国家身份号码,这有利于简化服务交付和金融普惠。 The National Identity Management Commission reported that 110 million Nigerians now possess National Identification Numbers, facilitating streamlined service delivery and financial inclusion.