9月20日至22日,印度尼西亚旅行者为新加坡大赛寻找主要住所。 Indonesian travelers lead accommodation searches for Singapore Grand Prix, September 20-22.
印度尼西亚的旅行者正在为新加坡大奖赛进行住宿搜索, Indonesian travelers are leading accommodation searches for the Singapore Grand Prix, scheduled for September 20-22 at the Marina Bay Street Circuit, the only street race in East Asia. Agoda报告说,来自印度尼西亚、菲律宾和日本的旅行者最感兴趣。 Agoda reports that travelers from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Japan are the most interested. 这项活动的受欢迎程度突出表明,它作为亚太地区一个主要体育景点而具有吸引力,阿戈达提供了大量旅行规划资源。 The event's popularity underscores its appeal as a major sporting attraction in the Asia-Pacific region, with Agoda offering extensive travel planning resources.