前 Little Mix 歌手 Jesy Nelson 结束与 Zion Foster 的关系;停止音乐协作的请求。 Former Little Mix singer Jesy Nelson ends relationship with Zion Foster; requests to stop music collaboration.
前 Little Mix 歌手杰西·尼尔森 (Jesy Nelson) 在近两年后结束了与锡安·福斯特 (Zion Foster) 的关系。 Jesy Nelson, the former Little Mix singer, has ended her relationship with Zion Foster after nearly two years. 在他们分开后,她要求他不要放出任何音乐,这些音乐都是由她们一起录制的。 Following their split, she has requested that he refrain from releasing any music featuring her vocals, which they recorded together. 朋友们建议这种分手可能是永久性的,因为他们去年夏天曾分居过。 Friends suggest this breakup may be permanent, as they had previously separated last summer. Jesy目前专注于她在美国的独奏音乐生涯, Jesy is currently focused on her solo music career in the U.S. and has removed related posts from her social media.