获得英国奖学金的263名尼日利亚学生必须签署回国债券, 263 Nigerian students in UK scholarships must sign bonds to return, serve state 5 years after studies.
尼日利亚埃博尼州政府正在执行一项政策,要求前往联合王国的263名奖学金领取者签署保证书,确保他们在学习后返回。 The Ebonyi State Government in Nigeria is enforcing a policy requiring 263 scholarship recipients heading to the UK to sign a bond ensuring they return after their studies. 这些学生必须在自由旅行之前至少为国家服务五年。 These students must serve the state for at least five years before traveling freely. 政府向奖学金方案投资了大约30亿奈拉,另外拨出5亿奈拉用于旅费和签证费,聘请三所大学进行教育。 The government has invested about N3 billion in the scholarship program, with an additional N500 million allocated for travel and visa costs, engaging three universities for their education.