阿拉巴马州劳伦斯县洪水期间从卡车屋顶救出的人,没有受伤报告。 Man rescued from truck roof during flood in Lawrence County, Alabama; no injuries reported.
在阿拉巴马州劳伦斯县,一个男子在星期天初获救,因为洪水使他滞留在卡车屋顶上。 A man was rescued early Sunday in Lawrence County, Alabama, after floodwaters left him stranded on his truck roof. 劳伦斯郡警长办公室水救队和其他当地应急人员花了大约5个小时安全地救回他,没有受伤。 The Lawrence County Sheriff's Office Swift Water Rescue Team and other local responders took about five hours to retrieve him safely, without injuries. 这一事件是在星期六晚上营救一名妇女之后发生的。 This incident followed a similar rescue of a woman on Saturday night. 马克斯·桑德斯警长警告公众要谨慎行事,因为暴雨造成当地公路洪水泛滥。 Sheriff Max Sanders warned the public to exercise caution as heavy rainfall caused flooding on local roads.