卡戴珊分享了劳伦·桑切斯关于阅读障碍和她的儿童书的Instagram视频, Kim Kardashian shares Lauren Sanchez's Instagram video about dyslexia and her children's book, highlighting her own daughter's situation.
金·卡戴珊 (Kim Kardashian) 分享了一段她的朋友劳伦·桑切斯 (Lauren Sanchez) 讨论她的阅读障碍和她的儿童读物《飞向太空的苍蝇》(The Fly Who Flew to Space) 的 Instagram 视频。 Kim Kardashian shared an Instagram video of her friend Lauren Sanchez discussing her dyslexia and her children's book, "The Fly Who Flew to Space." 这引起了卡戴珊的共鸣,她的女儿 North West 被诊断出患有阅读障碍,North 在去年的 TikTok 直播中透露了这一事实。 This resonated with Kardashian, whose daughter, North West, was diagnosed with dyslexia, a fact North revealed during a TikTok livestream last year. 金家旨在支持有学习差异的儿童的父母,向他们保证不会有事。 Kim aimed to support parents of children with learning differences, reassuring them that it will be okay.