Jeter于4月10日在Bossier市被判犯有入侵住宅、殴打、违反保护令等罪行。 Jeter found guilty of home invasion, assault, violating protective order in Bossier City on April 10.
博西耶市的Roderick Carnell Jeter在闯入一名妇女公寓后被判定犯有侵入住宅罪,尽管她对他发出保护令,他还是在那里殴打她。 Roderick Carnell Jeter of Bossier City was found guilty of home invasion after breaking into a woman's apartment, where he assaulted her, despite her protective order against him. 事件发生在2023年4月10日。 The incident occurred on April 10, 2023. 警察在现场发现杰特,声称要修门。 Police found Jeter at the scene, claiming to fix the door. 他因入侵被判处1至30年监禁,因违反命令被判处6个月以下监禁,10月判刑。 He faces 1 to 30 years in prison for the invasion and up to six months for violating the order, with sentencing set for October.