在大曼彻斯特塔梅赛德的Dukinfield墓地发现的人类遗骸来自一个受野生动物破坏的历史墓地。 Human remains found at Dukinfield Cemetery in Tameside, Greater Manchester, originated from a historic burial site disturbed by wildlife.
在大曼彻斯特州塔梅赛德的Dukinfield墓地,在儿童在玩耍期间发现遗骸后,发现了遗骸。 Human remains were found at Dukinfield Cemetery in Tameside, Greater Manchester, after children discovered them during play. 大曼彻斯特警方确认 遗骸来自一个历史的埋葬地点 野生动物扰动, 排除了任何犯罪活动。 Greater Manchester Police confirmed the remains came from a historic burial site disturbed by wildlife, ruling out any criminal activity. 墓地暂时关闭,但警察将协助修道院将遗骸安全送回其安息地。 The cemetery was temporarily closed, but police will assist Tameside Council in safely returning the remains to their resting place. 此后,该网站已重新向公众开放。 The site has since reopened to the public.