18 岁的兰迪·布朗 (Randy Brown) 在密西西比州南杰克逊 (South Jackson) 被发现死于枪伤;警方调查凶杀案,嫌疑人坐在棕色 SUV 中,寻求信息。 18-year-old Randy Brown found dead from gunshot wounds in South Jackson, MS; police investigating homicide, suspects in brown SUV, seeking information.
Randy Brown, 18岁,9月13日下午6点左右被发现死于密西西比州南杰克逊的伍迪道枪伤。 Randy Brown, an 18-year-old, was found dead from gunshot wounds on Woody Drive in South Jackson, Mississippi, around 6 p.m. on September 13. 警方正在调查这起凶杀案 并正在搜寻涉嫌乘坐棕色SUV的嫌犯 The police are investigating the homicide and are searching for suspects believed to be in a brown SUV. 当局敦促任何有情报的人 联系杰克逊警察局 或犯罪阻截者 Authorities urge anyone with information to reach out to the Jackson Police Department or Crime Stoppers. 随着调查工作的进行,将提供进一步的最新情况。 Further updates will be provided as the investigation progresses.