自9月7日起,52岁的Dean在牛津郡失踪,可能于9月12日目击;警察寻求公共援助。 52-year-old Dean missing since September 7 in Oxfordshire, possible sighting on September 12; police seek public assistance.
牛津郡警方正在寻求帮助寻找52岁的Dean, Police in Oxfordshire are seeking help to locate 52-year-old Dean, missing since September 7 from Berinsfield. 9月12日在考利的巴恩斯路的商店可能出现目击事件。 Possible sightings occurred on September 12 at shops on Barnes Road, Cowley. Dean被描述为5尺8寸" 混血种,秃头,有灰胡子和耳环 Dean is described as 5'8", of mixed ethnicity, bald with a grey beard and earrings. 探长Francesca Jarvis强调公共援助的必要性。 Detective Chief Inspector Francesca Jarvis emphasizes the need for public assistance. 任何知情者应拨打999,引用第43240430748号参考资料。 Anyone with information should call 999, quoting reference 43240430748.