98岁的演员迪克・范・戴克 将长寿归功于健身、妻子支持、戒酒 和快乐的工作 98-year-old actor Dick Van Dyke credits longevity to gym routine, wife support, sobriety, and joyful work.
以《迪克·范·戴克秀》(The Dick Van Dyke Show)和《欢乐满人间》(Mary Poppins)而闻名的98岁演员迪克·范·戴克(Dick Van Dyke)将自己的长寿归功于坚持不懈的健身活动、妻子阿琳·西尔弗(Arlene Silver)的支持以及克服酗酒后的清醒。 Dick Van Dyke, the 98-year-old actor renowned for "The Dick Van Dyke Show" and "Mary Poppins," attributes his longevity to a consistent gym routine, support from his wife, Arlene Silver, and sobriety after overcoming alcoholism. 他每周工作三次,戒烟,自2013年以来,一直患有神经紊乱症。 He works out three times a week and has quit smoking, all while managing a neurological disorder since 2013. Van Dyke强调为充实的生活开展愉快工作的重要性。 Van Dyke emphasizes the importance of pursuing joyful work for a fulfilling life.