土耳其情报主任在加沙冲突期间与哈马斯领导人在安卡拉会晤,进行停火会谈。 Turkish intelligence chief meets Hamas leaders in Ankara for ceasefire talks amid Gaza conflict.
土耳其国家情报局负责人Ibrahim Kalin在安卡拉会见了哈马斯领导人,在以色列的军事行动中谈判加沙停火,这些行动自10月7日以来已造成41 000多名巴勒斯坦人死亡。 Turkey's National Intelligence Agency head, Ibrahim Kalin, has met with Hamas leaders in Ankara to negotiate a ceasefire in Gaza amid Israel's military actions, which have resulted in over 41,000 Palestinian deaths since October 7. 土耳其谴责以色列的行动,并与哈马斯、以色列、卡塔尔和美国协调,促进和平讨论。 Turkey condemns Israel's operations and is coordinating with Hamas, Israel, Qatar, and the U.S. to facilitate peace discussions. 土耳其总统埃尔多安强烈批评以色列, Turkish President Erdoğan has strongly criticized Israel, accusing it of genocide.